Friday, March 16, 2012

Taryn's Terrific Tapa Reflection

Reflecting on my Tapa Cloth
1. Are you pleased with your Tapa Cloth? why / why not?
Yes I am very happy with my Tapa because I like the way the patterns are arranged. and I also like it because I put a lot of hard work and time into the Tapa.
2. What did you find easy when you were creating your Tapa?
I found that drawing the grid was quite easy.
3. What did you find tricky when you were creating your Tapa?
I found that drawing my Koru pattern was quite hard to draw
4. If you made another Tapa, what would you change and why?
I would change the big pattern in the middle because it is kind hard to draw.
5. Who / What has helped you in creating your Tapa?
The teacher helped me with some of the parts but I did the rest.
6. Did you use any of your own cultural patterns in your own Tapa? Which ones? What do they mean? If you didn’t use your cultural patterns, what did patterns did you use? Where did they come from?I used a Koru pattern for the middle. The Koru pattern didn’t come from anywhere I just thought it looked nice in the photo so that’s why I chose the koru pattern.
7. What geometric elements does your Tapa Cloth show? Reflection, Rotation, Translation. A little bit of reflection and that’s about it.
This is my Tapa reflection I have been working very hard on it so please enjoy!


Tim said...

Hi Taryn, What a great tapa keep it up

Kapri said...

Hi taryn

wow that is a nice tapa that you made wonder how many people coped you with you're design it is cool and you're tapa institution's make seance.


By Kapri

Caitlin said...

Hi Taryn

I really enjoyed looking at your fabulous
Tapa Cloth it looks really amazing

From Caitlin

Caitlin said...

Hi Taryn

I really enjoyed looking at your fabulous
Tapa Cloth it looks really amazing

From Caitlin