Saturday, June 15, 2013

Should Panmure Bridge School have a Science Laboratory? By Latham

I want our school to have a Science Laboratory. We need a Science laboratory at our school so that we can learn how to blow stuff up safely and use electricity. We can get a uniform made out of a strong material like steel but not steel because steel attracts electricity and that would shock you to death.

If you get too crazy with science you could do some damage to the school. If we have a science lab, we should only have 4 to 6 students at a time doing experiments so that it is safe.

Maybe we could get an old car that does not go and try to make it work again by getting the motor and pumping in electricity to try bring it back to life.

This week I went to the Science Road Show to learn about science and how it works which I really loved. This man showed us how to make cottage cheese. You have to get a cup of milk and some vinegar and then you stir it up. You get this kind of thick stuff called curds and whey which you pour through a cloth and what you are left with is cheese. I think this is really cool.

Labs are used for scientific research, in the 18th century there was a chemistry lab used by Antoine Lavoisier. In 1901 Thomas Edison came up with the lightbulb and he also had a lab to experiment in. Joseph Swan and Hiram Stevens Maxim also invented the lightbulb.

Research tells us that one of the good things about having science labs in primary schools is that the students get to see what is happening, which makes it more interesting for them to learn about Science instead of just reading about it. Learning comes alive for students learning is hands on, seeing is believing.

I found a report on the internet which showed me that out of 119 primary school students 87% enjoyed doing a science experiment with other students, 9% were not sure, and only 4% did not enjoy doing the science experiment.

The study showed me that the students achieved a better understanding about Science when they did the experiment themselves. I really enjoy doing science experiments and I hope that we get to do it more often at school. I hope you enjoyed my speech.

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